Galvi Newcomen
Product Pictures
With 51 years of history, GALVI has been manufacturing Shoe Brakes, Disc Brakes, Electrohydraulic Thrusters, Emergency Braking Systems and Shock Absorber Buffers.
Our products are typically used in crane and iron-steel industry, ports, mining, shipyards, construction, mechanical, cement and paper industry, power stations, waste management, belt conveyors, mixers and people transport mechanisms.
With facilities having a total closed area of 24.100 m², GALVI offers European quality with competitive prices.
NV.HYD Shoe Brakes
GD - GA Couplings and Brake Drums
HYDRO Thrusters
PC.HYD Thruster Calipers
PE Hydraulic Calipers
PN Hydraulic Calipers
SLDU Hydraulic Calipers
EMEHYD Hydraulic Calipers
GRA Flexible Couplings and Discs
GSX Gear Couplings and Discs
MBS Metallic Buffers
RME Polyurethane Buffers
RMV Polyurethane Buffers
Make-to-order products: NV.HYD special series shoe brakes manufactured for DEMAG Cranes & Components GmbH (Since 2011, GALVI supplies all DEMAG brakes)
Our services we offer to our customers:
Technical service for selection of Shoe Brakes and Disc Brakes,
Technical service for selection of GALVI Buffers.
Technical services for the maintenance and replacement of old or inoperative brake systems: Brake system problems should be examined on-site by us. After customer visit, equivalent GALVI products will be supplied to replace the old and inoperative brake systems.
Replacement of worn brake shoes: bonding new asbestos-free linings as per DIN 15435 to the aluminum or steel bodied brake shoes by friction welding method. We offer our brake shoes complying with DIN standards to the service of our customers.
We give spare part, modernization and maintenance services for all GALVI products.(We do not give spare part service for Galvi brakes produced between 1962 and 1975).
CNC Machining of cylindrical holes and keyways and dynamic balancing of any GALVI Coupling or Brake drum.
Certified brake systems for people transport mechanisms: Including the design and manufacturing of project specific disc brake systems and calculation reports for ministerial use, we offer a complete service.
We provide free technical support for GALVI brake selection.
Simply fill out the form below and submit it to us:
1. Selection form for disc brakes (drum or between the motor and gear unit).
2. Brake selection form for crane systems (between the motor and gear unit)
Data for selection of Galvi Brakes on high speed shaft (between motor and gear box)
for trolley and bridge travelling
3. Brake selection form for Belt conveyor systems (between the motor and gear unit).
Data for selection of Galvi Brakes on high speed shaft (between motor and gear box)
After completing registration, you can directly log in and download the 3D product images.
Please click the below link to enter the site:
- Catalogs / GALVI Shoe Brakes Catalogue
- Product / NV.HYD Shoe Brakes
- Product / GD - GL Couplings and Brake Drums
- Product / H- Hydraulic Units
- Product / NV.EM Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.H.EX Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.H Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.HYD.CA Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.HYD.IS.CA Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.HYD.OL Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.OL Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.PN Shoe Brakes & NV.I Pneumatic thrusters
- Product / GA Couplings and Brake Drums
- Product / PA-PAG Brake Drums
- Product / PD-PL Brake Drums
- Product / PO-SB-OL Hydraulic Pumps with foot brake pedal
- Product / RF Brake Shoes & RG spare parts for flexible couplings
- Product / RFA Brake Shoes
- Product / NV.OL Shoe Brakes
- Product / RME - RMV Pöliüretan Tamponlar
- Product / RME - RMV Pöliüretan Tamponları Genel Özellikleri
- Product / RME - Pöliüretan Zincirli Tamponlar
- Product / MBS - Metalik Tamponlar
- Product / HYD Hydro Thrusters
- Product / NY.HYD.IS Shoe Brakes
- Product / NV.HYD.TM Shoe Brakes
- Product / H.EX Hydraulic Units - Exproof ATEX Standard
- Product / RMV - Pöliüretan Zincirli Tamponlar
- User Manuals / Pabuçlu Fren Parça Tanımları
- User Manuals / Pabuçlu Fren Opsiyon Tanımları
- User Manuals / NV.HYD Pabuçlu Fren Montaj ve Bakım Kılavuzu
- User Manuals / NV.HYD Montaj ve Bakım Kılavuzu - İngilizce
- Presentations / Product introduction
- Product Introduction Page / HYD Thrusters
- Product Introduction Page / NV.HYD Shoe Brakes
- Product Introduction Page / GD - GL Couplings and Brake Drums
- Product Introduction Page / PC.HYD Elektro Hidrolik Disk Frenleri
- Product Introduction Page / PE Disk Fren Kaliperleri
- Product Introduction Page / SLDU Disk Fren Kaliperleri
- Product Introduction Page / EMEHYD Hidrolik Üniteler
- Product Introduction Page / MBS Metalik Tamponlar
- Product Introduction Page / RME - RMV Pöliüretan Tamponlar